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Los Cerritos Area Homeowners Association


Edgewood, NM


The Los Cerritos neighborhood is located about 20 miles East of Albuquerque in the high desert. It was developed in the mid 90's and is home to about 100 families. It is a quiet part of the state, with beautiful views and good people.

The homeowner's association is chartered with maintaining roads and general neighborhood conditions and managed by a set of restrictive covenants. We are governed by a volunteer association board.



The organization is specified by the bylaws, part of which is summarized unofficially here.

The association is governed by a board of directors of 5 members. Board members are elected for 2 year terms during our summer general meeting. Most association actions can be managed by the board directly. The general meeting provides a means for the association as a whole to act on items of general interest.


There are several standing committees which perform much of the work required by the association. Like the board members, these committees are staffed by volunteers.

  • Architectural Control Committee
  • Budget, Finance, and Insurance Committee
  • Roads Development and Maintenance Committee

Elections occur annually at the summer meeting, and are governed by the election procedures.

Association Meetings

As specified in the bylaws, the organization holds an annual general meeting each June. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct business related to the organization, and to elect directors and officers. A quorum of the members (20 percent of all members), must be in attendance to conduct business. General meetings may be convened as needed to accomplish other purposes as well.

  • Example of General Meeting Topics:
  • Elect board members
  • Discuss items of interest
  • Receive reports from the Architectural Control Committee, Budget, Finance, and Insurance Committee, and Roads Committee
  • We can meet and get to know our neighbors better

History and Fire Safety



This area of Edgewood has an interesting history. Originally dry farming homesteads date to the late 1800's. Some vestiges of that time still exist. The area to the south of the association is state trust land. To the west, remains of an old scout summer camp can be found.

Wildfire Preparations


Firewise USA® is a voluntary program that provides a framework to help neighbors get organized, find direction, and take action to increase the ignition resistance of their homes and community.

For additional information about Firewise USA®, please click the image above or HERE.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Preparation

  • See the presentation by the Forest Stewards Guild:
    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Wildfire Mitigation Activities inthe Wildland-Urban Interface.
    This 100 page booklet provides outstanding information on how to deal with fire threats in communities like ours.

  • Prepare your personal wildfire action plan. Santa Fe County has prepared a detailed template so we may each be prepared for a fire. Ready Set Go Guide.

  • Smart 911 - Messaging

    Santa Fe County preferred messaging for you, your family, residence, vehicle, pets and emergency contacts.

    This is an enhanced 911 with SF County dispatcher and first responders to identify you during a emergency. Messaging is enabled using Land line, cell phones, and email. While you are away from home you can receive notifications and track movements before, during, and after an emergency. Set up a profile here. This is the smart thing to do, and will take a little time but is worth it, particularly if you travel. https://www.smart911.com/

Specifics for our Neighborhood

Our residential property has been designated as "Wildland Urban Interface" and is therefore eligible for Fuel Reduction activities to mitigate wildfire threats. There is funding available through Edgewood Soil and Water Conservation District. The Cost Share Assistance program assists private residential owners with fuel reduction and thinning using approved contractors and specifications developed for effective fuel reduction. The program website is, https://www.eswcd.org/cost-share-assistance-program.

See Edgewood Soil & Water Conservation District - Cost-Share Assistance Application.
Complete and hand deliver to ESWCD. Remember to include your SF County Tax bill (2017).
(estimated @ approx $1,200.00 acre) There are also discounts offered by HO insurance as to Firewise communities.

Here is a link from SF County.
Santa Fe County Fire and Wildland..

fire fire

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